

Today I would like to once again self-introduction.

Perhaps, I think that it is the first time to introduce the details of their own.

・My nickname is Stap.

The reason for making this handle name was because it was called a stapler from a friend during junior high school days.

The reason why it was called stapler is that it was a stapler used for treatment when I fought and bleeding from the head.
That is, I named "Stap" after a stapler.

・My hobby
Watching anime, sport and movie, playing social game, mahjong, and darts and cooking.

・Age              19
・Occupation             University student
・Favorite things        Apple, Sleeping  
Disliked things        Shaved ice(I have not eaten more than 10 years.)
・Future dream                       Tax accountant
・Age to die          60 (I will die after 40 years.) 

I am thinking of making my life wonderful more than anyone else.
Many of my friends and surrounding people think me as a weirdo or a psychopath, but I also think so.
"Everyone is different and everyone is good."
This is my favorite word.
I will keep my own identity in the future.
I am such a person, can you become a friend of mine?
Thank you!



Travel in Nikko