
9月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

Where is Japan?

Hi. Please look at the image above. Do not you notice something strange? Japan is not on the map. This image is an image that was on the official homepage of Pyongchan Olympics to be held in 2018. The Japanese were angry, looking at this picture. Some say a bad mouth in Korea, and others were disappointed with Korea. Certainly there are many political problems in Japan and South Korea, and both countries can not be said to be good friends. However, I think that it is not good to bring political issues to the Olympic Games, a celebration of sports. The Olympic Games are a symbol of peace. The host country must consider countries, people around the world. It is not half a year until the Olympics. I am looking forward to the hot battle of each country's athlete. *If this article is in Japanese, anti-comment is about to come, so I will not write Japanese articles. ・ Pyon Chan Olympic official website ・ My twitter account


Hi. Recently I'm worried that I can not think of blog story. I was thinking about what to write and how many more people can see my blog for several days. And since I came up with some blog themes, I would like to make it public soon. I'd like to write interesting and useful blogs. I would like to post every day if possible. * Extra corner ・I made croquette after a long absence. I regret that the croquette's seasoning was weak. When I make it next time, I want to be careful. ・I made jelly using “monster”. The taste was the monster itself. How to make is easy, so how about making it?


どうも。ステープです。 最近ブログのネタに困ってます。 何を書こうか、どうしたらより多くの人見てくれるのか? で、この数日考えていました。 そして、いくつか見つけたので近々まとめて更新したいと思っています。 面白いもの、役立ちそうなものを書いていきたいです。 そして、毎日投稿もできたらしていきたいです。 *おまけ   モンスターでゼリーを作りました!  味はモンスターそのもの!  作り方は超簡単なので、作ってみてはいかがでしょうか? 久しぶりにコロッケ作りました! 味が薄かったのが残念でした。 今度はもっとうまく作りたいです。


どうも。ステープです。 今日は改めて自己紹介をやりたいと思います。 自分が何者か教えて行きたいと思います。 ・ハンドルネーム   ステープ この名前の由来ですが、私は中学時代「ホッチキス」と呼ばれていました。ホッチキスを英語にすると、ステープラーと発音するので、それにちなんでステープと名付けました。 ちなみに、なぜホッチキスと呼ばれていたかというと、喧嘩をして、頭から血を流し、その治療に使われたのがホッチキスだったからです。 ・年齢 19歳 ・職業 大学生 ・趣味   アニメ、スポーツ観戦、ゲーム、映画鑑賞、料理、ダーツ、麻雀 ・好きなもの、こと  リンゴ、睡眠 ・嫌いなもの、こと  かき氷、ミルキー(10年以上口にしてません。) ・将来の夢 税理士 ・死ぬ年齢 60歳(私の命はあと41年だ!) ・最後に 私は誰よりも素晴らしい人生を送るつもりです。 それゆえ、人生のゴールも設定しています。 友人や周囲の人からは変人とかサイコパスっていわれていますが、私自身、自分のことを変人、サイコパスと思っています。 むしろ、常人でいるつもりはありません。 「みんな違ってみんないい」 これは私の座右の銘の1つです。 こんな感じでこれからも、自分のアイデンティティを貫き通します。 こんな自分ですが、よろしくお願いします。 友達欲しいな(笑)


Hi. Today I would like to once again self-introduction. Perhaps, I think that it is the first time to introduce the details of their own. ・My nickname is Stap. The reason for making this handle name was because it was called a stapler from a friend during junior high school days. The reason why it was called stapler is that it was a stapler used for treatment when I fought and bleeding from the head. That is, I named "Stap" after a stapler. ・My hobby Watching anime, sport and movie, playing social game, mahjong, and darts and cooking. ・Age              19 ・Occupation             University student ・Favorite things        Apple, Sleeping   ・ Disliked things        Shaved ice(I have not eaten more than 10 years.) ・Future dream                       Tax accountant ・Age to die          60 (I will die after 40 years.)  ・Message I am thinking of making my life wonderful more than anyone else. M...


Hi. While I was at my parents' house, I went to an amusement park with my friends. The name of the amusement park is "space world", it is located in Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka prefecture. For your information,  Fukuoka prefecture is in the northern part of the Kyushu region in the west of Japan. In the amusement park, I rode a roller coaster. There are 4 or 5 kinds of roller coasters in "Space World", I rode all kinds of roller coasters. It is one of all the roller coasters in the left picture. I love roller coasters very much, so I was very excited when I was on a roller coaster. When I come to the amusement park, I am on the roller coaster every time. In addition to a roller coaster, I went to a horror house and also got a Ferris wheel. The picture on the left was taken when the Ferris wheel reached its highest point. The townscape is beautiful, is not it? Unfortunately, this amusement park is closed in December of this year...

Aso in September 6, 2017

Hi. On September 6th I went to Aso with my mother. Aso is in Kumamoto prefecture in the Kyushu district. Aso is famous for its rich nature and volcanoes. However, due to the big earthquake last April and the bad weather over the last few days tourists were fewer than before. The two photos on the left are the slope of the mountain that collapsed by the earthquake. Although it has been over a year, there are still claws of the earthquake. Also, there were many roads that were closed due to earthquake influences and many collapsed houses. I was able to feel the terribleness of the earthquake again by going to the destination. The two photos below are the prairie at the foot of the mountain of Aso.          The outlook was bad with the influence of fog. Cows and horses were released, and they were leisurely. As Aso's milk and horse meat are very delicious, please eat by all means when you go. Perhaps I think that t...

I'm home.

Hi. I came back home today. While I was at my parents' house, I was depressed because I could not touch the computer. I could update blogs on smartphones, but I could not post images on that blog. While I was at my parents' house, I went to various places and experienced many fun things. Therefore, I want to post the situation on my blog. Please read it. See you tomorrow.


どうも。ステープです! 今日自宅に帰ってきました。 実家にいる間はパソコンに触れずに、ブログを更新できなかったのが憂鬱だった(T_T) スマートフォンでも一応更新はできるみたいですけど、画像が載せられない! というわけで、明日から僕が実家にいた間の様子をがんがん更新していきたいと思います。 ぜひ、読んでください。 というわけで、今日は終わり! また明日!


Hi. I came back to Fukuoka where I was born and raised. When I am at my parents' house, my heart calms down. It's a while, but I would like to take a break there. See you again.


どうも!ステープです。 今日は地元の福岡に帰ってきました。 やっぱり落ち着きます。 少しの間ですが、まったり過ごします。 それでは、また。

Fulfillment and tiredness

Hi. Today I went to play in Tokyo with my friends. The place we went was Asakusa. We went to the Sky Tree. I took this picture from a distant position, but when I tried to take a picture nearby, the picture did not fit the whole picture of the sky tree. I went to the Sky Tree for the first time, so I was surprised at the height of the building. We also went to Senso Temple. It is a famous place in Kaminarimon. I was moved because I had something I saw on TV before my eyes. It was nice that Nakami-dori was also tasteful. I was very tired because the means of transportation was on foot this time. But it was fun. Finally it is announcement. I can not use my computer for a while from tomorrow. So I will update my blog with smartphone. You may think that it is hard to read, unlike usual, but I'm happy to continue reading. See you tomorrow. Have a nice day.


こんにちは。ステープです。 今日は、友達と二人で東京に遊びに行きました。 行った場所は、浅草です。 スカイツリーに行きました。 結構遠い位置からの写真ですが、近くで写真を撮ると写真に建物が収まりきれなかったです。 初めて行ったのですが、高い建物で感動しました。 そのあと、浅草寺に行きました。 雷門で有名ですね。 こちらもいくのが初めてで、テレビで見たやつだ!と独りでにはしゃいでいました。 仲見世通りも風情があってよかったです。 また行きたいな。 今回浅草駅についてから徒歩で移動していたので、疲れました。 だけど、楽しかった! 最後にお知らせです。 明日からパソコンが使えなくなるので、スマートフォンでブログを更新します。 だから、普段と違う感じになるかもしれません。 ご了承ください。 では、また明日。


こんにちは。ステープです。 このブログで日本語を使うとはなんだか新鮮です。 というわけで、今日は1人カラオケに行ってきました。 私はそこまで、歌はうまくありません。中の下つまり音痴です。 そのうえ、アニソンしか歌えません。 ジャニーズとか歌おうとするとキーを高くしないと歌えないです。 歌うまくなりたいです。 今日はこんなかんじの1日を送りました。 あまりにも内容が薄すぎるので、英語では書きません。 また明日。


Hi. I have something to report to you all this time. I will also write Japanese articles on this blog from today. So, two articles will be updated one day. It may be a bit confusing, but please continue reading blogs from now on. I am sorry I did not update my blog for a while.